We can get rid of all of the "nasties"  from your computer. These problems come in several levels of malevolence and destruction.

Some are benign and simply cause you frustration by cheating you out of use of your computer processor as they leach the computing power from you by running their processes and causing you grief. (Malware)

Other problem programs can be destructive in deleting files, changing your configurations, corrupting important system files or making you unable to boot up your computer. (Virus/Trojans)

Sometimes, there occur simple or very significant corruptions in your computer's operating system.  If the power goes out unexpectedly, your system will be turned off in a way that is not comfortable for your computer.  This will create, at best, debris and likely damage to your operating system files.  It will often not show up immediately.  Sometimes it takes weeks.  Add 3 or 4 of these occurrences (small children reaching up and pushing the power button on the CPU) and you will have some issues. (System Corruption)

Other times, due to heat, dust or time, hardware will fail.  The lubrication just wears out.  The fans stop.  The processor overheats.  The power supply "gives its life" for the rest of the computer.  All will create a negative computing environment.  (Hardware Failure)

WE CAN HELP!   We are experts with each of these issues.  Many of them we can simply, at your request, connect to your PC, make some adjustments, scans and deletions and make everything better.  Some issues are best handled by us coming to your location and picking up the PC, bringing it to the shop and correcting the issues.  The computer is then returned to you, set up and you are all set.

We are constantly updating our knowledge and tools to resolve issues. Trust us to clean and care for your PC and give you back full utility of your computer.  We love this stuff!